One of my biggest motto’s in life now is “feel the fear and do it anyway”.
For most of my life I had lived in fear, because I was afraid I would make the wrong decision. Through years of healing my mind and body through personal development and holistic life coaching, I have now learnt to dance with the fear and do it anyway. It isn’t easy!! Its about improving and changing your mindset around what you are thinking.The mind is a powerful tool and the wrong thoughts can have a very negative outcome for you in your daily life.
A massive realisation that I learnt along my journey, is that 90% of things we fear never happen. So we must ask ourselves the question
“Why in reality do we fear so many things and what can we do to change it ?”
The answer to why is, we fear the outcome that may happen and the associated loss….The what if syndrome !! The loss and pain that surrounds the possibility of how we are thinking.
Our brains are programmed to avoid pain so it will do anything to trick you into thinking that it won’t happen. The mind is like an iceberg 90% is underneath which is the unconscious mind. This is responsible for our thoughts, feelings. emotions, memories, traumas, behaviours and 10% is above which is what we do in the present moment of time. So as you can see it is no wonder that it is difficult to change how we are thinking when we have so much of our brain working against us to change.
How do we change it?
We learn to master our mind. With the right tools it is always possible. One of the best things that you can do to change your life is to change your mindset. Once learned it opens a pandora’s box to opportunities to live your best life and the freedom to do what you love.
I was the “what if “girl. Thinking of all the things that could go wrong instead of what could go right. We create our own reality….what you think you create.
I had to micro manage everything. My mind was in a state of hyper-alertness because something might go wrong.I really did have a fear of the unknown….Add to that perfectionism, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and that was a recipe for not living my life as I should. I was terrified of something happening to my family or them getting hurt or dying and that if something happened to myself who would look after my children. It took me to the lowest point of my life to almost having a nervous breakdown to reaching out to others for help.
Not being able to make decisions because of fear was like being on a merry go round in my head and not being able to get off. It left me feeling exhausted in my daily life and unable to think properly.
I feared other people’s judgement of me however now I have learnt that “what other people think of you is none of your business”. It’s their thoughts of you and it can tell you more about what’s going on in their mind, not yours.
I learnt along the way that we must challenge ourselves to overcome fear and the adversities and obstacles that stop us from living our best life, and being able to achieve the things that fill your heart with joy.
I recommend to you a book called Feel the fear and do it anyway by Susan Jeffers. It’s been around for along time and it’s a great starting point to change how you feel.
We have to learn to have to courage to get out of our comfort zone because as that old cliché goes “the best things in life are on the other side of fear”. I remind myself of this daily and that’s where the magic of life continues to flow.
Fear never leaves us, but we learn to live with it in a more healthier way.
Are your fears stopping you from living a happy and fulfilled life ?
What will you do next to dance with the fear and start living the life of your dreams ?
Since I took that leap of faith and invested in personal development and mastered the mind, my life has changed in many ways.
Overcoming fear and deciding to take the action to live my life on purpose is what ultimately lead me to reaching my full potential.
Now I do what I love, love what I do and live my life with passion.
Change your thinking, change your life!!
Kathy x